Reading of the Week - May 7, 2023

Our Community Reading for the Week comes from Miss Remy at our Portland store. This reading starts today Sunday, May 7th and runs through the week. She is using the Fenestra Tarot for this week's reading.

King of Pentacles:
The time to stand up and take accountability is NOW! We need to really think about new ways and possibilities. Step back and get a better vantage point, see with different eyes.

8 of Swords:
Because our fears are keeping us blind, and stuck. When we're in the middle of the mess, we can't see past the immediate issues, we can't see other possibilities or options.

The High Priestess:
Please remember, that all around us, and deeply within us is the power, the knowledge, the knowhow, the fortitude and the connections; to see past, through and beyond. We are represtitives of the Spirits/Deities on Earth.

Jumper Card - Strength:
There is strength in the unlikelyest of places. In patience, in humility, in humbleness and many other unforgotten ways. We stand in our vulnerable, hurt and raw power, together.

Miss Remy is an empath, psychic medium, intuitive oracle reader and a trance possession Oracle, channeling her patroness, the Goddess Selene. She uses her intuition and gift of empathy to help customers get their needs and questions met.

To learn more, and to book your own sesssion with her, visit her bio page.